Thursday, March 10, 2011

Cold day entertainment!

Today's project was playdough! 
I am a big fan of homemade play dough simply because of the fact that I know exactly what's going into it and Noah likes to "taste" it, plus it will keep him entertained for hours!!

You'll need:
 2 cups flour
2 cups water
1 cup salt
2 Tablespoons vegtable oil
1 Tablespoon cream of tatar(optional for elasticity)

Mix all ingredients in a saucepan on medium heat

This is what it should look like

Continually stir (watch the kiddos carefully around the heat! I only allowed this for picture purposes! ;-)
Then it will eventually look like this:

It will look like mashed potatoes!
Take off the heat and put on a cool surface to let it cool (I put ours on a cutting board)

Let it cool
When it is cool to the touch, knead it until it is silky smooth

If you want to color your playdough break into 4 balls and put a whole in the center to drop food coloring into them
 Drop 5 or 6 drops of coloring into the dough and knead them until the coloring is incorporated into it!

And thats it!

show it off Noah!

Thats was SIMPLE!



  1. He is adorable! We made play-doh cookies earlier this week didn't love the way they tasted, but my son & niece loved them.

  2. So fun! I've never made homemade playdough, but we play with it every week at church on Wednesday nights:)

  3. Cool! Thanks! I have to try this with The Gremlin. He LOVES play doh but it all ends up brown in the end and I am so sick of buying new colors. lol
