Monday, May 30, 2011

The Hawkins HOME

We have found a house
a place to call our own
a place to make a home
a home where we will raise our family
a home were love will grow.
 We are soooo excited to show you our new HOME:

 We officially will move in this weekend 
and I have to say I have never been more excited to pack,
to live out of boxes,
 to unpack,
 and to decorate
Check back often and follow me as we make this house a home!

Wednesday, May 25, 2011


This week we are on VACATION!
that means 
a break from TV
from bills
from work
from cleaning 
from laundry
from everyday life
Did I mention I LOVE VACATIONS?!?
We are at my family's Park City, Utah timeshare this week!
 We get to sit in the hot tubs and pool for HOURS, with no worries!

and we get to explore this beautiful place

We even get to do silly things like fill momma's shoes with rocks... because we have all the time in the world!
and we get to just lounge around and play all day!

Sunday, May 15, 2011


Can we have a DRUM ROLL PLEASE.....

Comment # 18 Michelle over at Delicate Construction said:
        "I love love love it all! She could surprise me with whatever and I would be happy!"
Congrats Michelle!!! Please contact me ( by tomorrow at 10 pm MST to claim your prize or another winner will be chosen!! 
Thanks to all who entered and showed your support to ME and Heather over at Floradornments!

Remember when?

I just found this video I made a few years ago...
and it made me want to cry!
Do you Remember when your baby did this?
Do you remember when they started babbling?
Do you remember their first steps?
Do you remember the exact moment they said their first word?
We'll I cant, and I know why...
I was too busy saying "I cant wait for you to WALK"
"I cant wait for you to TALK"
"I cant wait for you to ENTERTAIN YOUR SELF"
"I cant wait for you to SLEEP THROUGH THE NIGHT"
and NOW I regret doing it the way I did
I regret not watching him sleep for hours on end, I should have laid there and watched him instead of cleaning the house
I should of held him longer instead of putting him in his bouncy because now he is "too busy" to let me hold him.
It wasnt until he was older I realized I should have held on tight to the moment.
I wish that I would have known that this will go by SO FAST and I cant get any of it back.

My new goal:
Cherish the new MOMENTS we have 
let him play and be a BOY without worrying how dirty he gets
Hold him longer (when he lets me)
Play toys on the floor with him for as long as he needs
read him book after book after book without worrying about the dishes
stop staying "I cant wait"

is anyone with me?

Saturday, May 14, 2011

Giveaway oops!

Attention everyone who has entered the giveaway, during the blogger "outage" we may have lost a few comments, please go back and make sure your comments are still there. I would hate for anyone to not win who have though they entered!!

Friday, May 13, 2011

Giveaway Continued!!

Yep, I am extending the Floradornments giveaway because as you all know blogger was down,
You all now have until Sunday night 5/15/11 at 10pm MST!!!
Go Enter here
Good luck!

Thursday, May 12, 2011

Spring time FUN!

Its Finally getting Warm...
So, I made Noah some side walk chalk PAINT!
All you need is:
1Tbl Corn Starch
1/2 cup water 
and food coloring (go easy on the coloring,so it doesn't satin your sidewalks!)

and PAINT away!

Okay, I totally had to paint too!!

and guess what? It washes right away!!

Happy Warm Weather everyone!

Me? an Award? Really?!?!

Today I received an award and I am stoked!
I am extremely honored!

The rules of accepting the award are as follows:
1. Thank the person who gave you the award and link back to them.

Thank you, Whitney Ulrich. This totally made my day, week, month and year! I just love you!!
I found Ty and Whit's blog a while back after Whit became my follower, she has been an awesome support and has offered kind words on multiple occasions when I thought I would just give up the whole blogging thing. I am grateful that she and I have crossed paths, I want to so hang out with her and be her BFF!!!
Her blog is so cute, so is her little man and not to mention she is SUPER cute also!!
go check her out HERE
2. Tell 7 things about yourself.

This is always difficult for me, I hate talking about myself!

1.  I love being a stay at home mom, when I first had Noah I wasn't sure if staying home would be the thing for me, but as I have grown through motherhood, I have realized there is no more important work than being with your children and I am extraordinarily grateful that I have the opportunity to stay home with him and teach him, there is nothing better!

2. I hate doing dishes and laundry, I think every mom/woman feels this way. But, I think I despise it the most! ;-)

3. I recently discovered my love for crafting/creating. Growing up my mom was always sewing and quilting and I SWORE I would never be anything like that! I couldnt even sew a straight line! But one day I worked on a quite book and realized how much I love it, That little old me can create something all by myself, I was hooked from there!!!

4. I had 10 children in my family, YEP, I said 10! Thats 6 brothers and 3 sisters and that makes 10 including me!!

5. Noah is my little 2 year old boy and I got his name from none other than, THE NOTEBOOK! I watched The Notebook when I was about 17 and swore my first boy would be a Noah!!!

6.  If I could stay in my pajamas all day I so would!!!

7.  I knew that my husband and I were going to be together forever, the night we met. It sounds stupid and cliche but I was comfortable with him and had never felt that way about anyone. It kind of was love at first sight!

3.  Pay it forward and award the Versatile Blogger to 15 recently discovered new bloggers.

Here are some awesome blogs that I have found recently...some a few days ago and some a few months ago

                                                       Ash and Roz @ Trulie Scrumptious
These girls are the cutest, They found me actually from the UBP and I am grateful cause they are sooo cute!!

                                                              Ashley@ The Shine Project
She is SO cute, VERY inspirational, and has an amazing cause. Please go check her out!!
This is a real life friend of mine and she has a great blog with her mom and sisters and they have amazing ideas!! Check them out for sure!!

Kellie @ Another Day Stronger
This momma lost her sweet baby girl to SIDS, I Cant imagine that type of loss. But she is very strong,and is an inspiration to many. 

Abby @ My Yellow Sandbox
I absolutely love this girl! She is doing a 30 day hair challenge and I love to follow along!!

Laura & others @ Easy Peasy Lemon Squeezy
Love it! Great ideas!

Michell@ Girl in Air
Oh my gosh! This lady is pure genius! She has amazing ideas, and Its plain and simple, I LOVE HER

Elise@ Elise's pieces
This girl is to darn cute and I love just sitting here reading her blog, she makes me happy!

Oh dear, this girlie is soooo fun, She shows off her outfits and most of them are vintage and thrifted and they rock! I wish I could have such cute outfits!

Ashley @ Divorced at 20
She is very inspiring, very tough story but its good she shares that life isnt all apple pie and birds chirping all the time

I am absolutley in love with coupons lately and this blog helps me find great deals, I Love all the help I can get!

This is one of my FAV cooking blogs,I LOVE LOVE LOVE her recipes, they make me happy!

This amazing lady has tutorials, projects, recipes, EVERYTHING. She is perfection in my eyes!

Yes, I am on her blog because I am hosting a giveaway for her. HERE And Yes, I think she is amazing and does amazing work! She is just plain amazing. Check her out for sure!!

I love this blog because I get some great Ideas and projects for Noah to do!

Thanks everyone for checking out my favorite new blogs, please go over and see each of these ladies. SHOW SOME SUPPORT!!!!
And a BIG Thanks to Whitney! You rock!!!

Friday, May 6, 2011


Today I am pleased to introduce to you my NEWEST SPONSOR:
Floradornments is an etsy shop that totally and completely rocks!
I am in so much love with all her super cute items!!!
Take a look at her stuff:

I want it all, especially that necklace!
So, I contacted Heather over at Floradornments and she made me my own custom made Floradornment for my hair, 
and I absolutely LOVE LOVE LOVE IT!!!
Take a look:

(you can see it in the back of my hair HERE)

and look how she sends them:
  SO CUTE, right!
She sends it in a floral box!!!
This lady is so darn creative and makes the best high quality stuff Ive seen around!!

And guess what?!??!!

 Heather over at Floradornments is graciously giving away a FREE floradorment!!
You can pick anything from her shop up to 35 dollars!! 
OR you can even have one custom made for you!!!
Giveaway entries: Leave a comment for each entry please!
1. MANDATORY: must be a follower of my blog!
2.MANDATORY: Must be a follower of floradornments!
3. head on over to Floradornment's esty shop and tell me what you would pick if you won!
4. Like Chasing Noah and floradornments on FB
5. FB, Blog or tweet this giveaway!

Giveaway ends Friday May 13th at 10pm MST

Thursday, May 5, 2011

Just one of them days...

Today has been just one of them days,
you know where your house is a mess
your toddler is sick and VERY cranky
you don't feel like cooking
laundry is everywhere
and all you can find that will make it better is this....
That's right, cherry chocolate Schwan's ice cream with my mom's homemade hot fudge sauce!
This stuff will fix any bad day!
now if only it were to do my laundry!!!!

Monday, May 2, 2011

Letter to 16 year old me

I think I have said it before but I have to say it again! I LOVE Ashley over at Little Miss Momma, She is an inspiration to me and I adore her honesty and fearlessness.
She wrote a post about what she would say to her 16 year old self, and it got me thinking....
What do I wish I could have known at 16 that I know now?

So here is my letter to 16 year old Savannah:
(That's me in the blue uniform)

Oh Savannah, this is only the beginning,
these will be the simplest times in your life but with that said
Always remember who you are,  I know it sounds cliche and dumb now but its very important not to loose your self in "teenage hood"

You will learn so many things along this journey, I know you think life is crazy now but just wait, wait until you learn about real LOVE
wait until you learn about real LIFE after high school
wait until you learn what LOSS feels like
and wait until you find your own FAITH

I remember the "dream" the dream that I would find my prince on his white horse someday and he would come rescue me and sweep me off into the sunset...
I would tell you that this dream isn't real, not to be a downer, but life throws us curve balls and we quickly learn to swerve.
I mean you will find your prince but it wont be like you "pictured" it to be.

Don't forget your family, you will look back someday and you wont be able to remember what it was like to watch your little brothers grow up and what they liked to do. You will feel so selfish that you weren't "involved" in their growing up.
(me and my little brother)

I will have to say that nothing you do in High school will determine who you will become,
those stupid fights with girlfriends
those first dates
your first failing grade
your best friend switching schools (which felt like the end of the world) 

None of this will matter after high school, you and your BFF will still be BFF's! 
you wont even remember your first dates
you wont care that you never fit in.
in Fact, you will be relieved that you never have to go back to be 16.

But, there will also be days that you will never forget
like Freshman year on your way to seminary when the twin towers fell,  and for the first time you realized that this world is in a lot of danger.

There will be the day when you find out that your swimming buddy will be diagnosed with a terminal brain tumor and you will loose her shortly later, but you will always remember her courageous fight and the first time you ever heard the song "I can only imagine" by Mercy Me at her "early graduation" and it was that day you realized she gets to meet God and you will be grateful for your faith system

You will remember the countless swim meets and the life lessons it taught you, 
like determination, 
and the life long friendships you established
 (Thats me on the far right in the swim cap and goggles on my head)

One more thing, 
soak it all up, 
be a little more involved, 
hang on tighter
don't worry so much about the future
don't worry about what people think of you!
live for here and now
and hang on tight, its going to be one wild ride

EVERYTHING is going to turn out just fine, and one of these days you will learn to be grateful they turned out the way they did!

Oh, and one last thing, someday when you meet your son, your whole world will make sense and that
"real love" stuff I was telling you about will come into play
everything you worked so hard for will pay off!

24 year old Savannah

Sunday, May 1, 2011

"its a bootiful day mommy!"

  A "Bootiful" Day in pictures...
("bootiful" is how Noah pronounces Beautiful)
Noah looked at me this morning and said "its a bootiful day mommy!" 
Needless to say, My heart melted!
So we packed up a picnic lunch and headed down into the canyon...
....and it was absolutely BREATHTAKING 

 I am so grateful for the beauty of where we live, The beauty in an amazing two year old little boy, and the beauty in time spent as a family.